The horticulture part of UT Extension Fayette county helps provide researched-based information on topics ranging from fruits and vegetables, landscape, turf, ornamental plants, and issues related to home gardening to our community. Other services include plant and insect identification, distributing soil test kits, and schedules to plant and spray.
Programs Available
- Master Gardener
- Master Beekeeper
- Master Nursery

In 2021, we had 15 new Tennessee Extension Master Gardener interns who completed the 14 week training and continue to work on their volunteer hours to join the already close to 50 certified members. The community service organization worked hard in 2021 to donate over 3,100 volunteer hours and over 477 educational hours generating an economic impact of $76, 031.
Each year, our dedicated Master Gardeners are instrumental in the success of several events: Fayette Cares Plant Sale, the Tree Seedling Giveaway, the Outdoor Market, and Cotton Festival. We are proud of our team members who provide hard labor to maintain “the Giving Garden” for the Carl Perkins Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse Somerville. Other ongoing projects include Fayette Cares vegetable gardens and the Somerville Library flowerbeds. The members’ efforts have gone beyond horticulture. The association donated to Fayette Academy for the Bees Bounty garden project. Volunteer hours were also earned by assisting with computerizing old records at Ames Plantation through a project named “Archives on the Web”.
Contact Information
Jeffery D. Via
Ext Agent III & Co Dir
Phone: (901) 465-5233